IP Whelping Service
Ide Performance offers whelping services for any
breeder that might not have the time or knowledge to do
so their selves. We take the stress away from you to offer
that critical care that puppies and moms need to insure a
happy and safe delivery.
What does this service include?
I require pregnant bitches to be at my home minimally 7
days prior to expected due date marked at 63 days.
I highly recommend that any bred bitch is up to date on all
vaccinations to aid in the unborn litter's immunity. Every bitch and stud should have brucellosis testing and negative result prior to even breeding as well as a negative heart worm test to ensure the best chances and health for every litter!
At time of whelping, both mother and puppies require around the clock care. At water break, I stay with mom and make sure she is able to pass each puppy with as little difficulty as possible. I have all the required materials on hand, so you will not be expected to provide anything for the actual whelping process.
The mom and puppies are checked every two hours to insure each individual puppy is latching well and keeping a consistent body temperature. I often sleep in the same room as mom and puppies once whelped to insure everyone is safe, healthy, and happy.
Why Should You Use IP Whelping Service?
I have experience in whelping various breeds to aid in natural parturition to avoid veterinary caesarians. I have whelped personal breeding bitches, show canines through other breeders, various performance canines, and countless mixed and pure breed canines through veterinary hospitals I have worked at over the years. I do have 8+ years of experience working as a veterinary technician in both small and large animal, actively am at an emergency equine hospital, and have the ability to doctor basic wounds, give medications as needed, check vitals of mom and each puppy, and help guide you about the nutritional requirements of both mom and puppies before, during, and after parturition.
Essentially, I do all the "dirty" work for you. I provide each and every pregnant female with a safe and loving environment. I will keep her in a quiet room that is dedicated to being the "whelping room," under 24/7 camera surveillance. Moms have separate supervised outside times to be able to stretch their legs and take breaks away from the puppies. I do not let pregnant and/or lactating females around other dogs in house. Moms are also not excluded to their "whelping room". I still encourage and allow them to wonder the house under supervision, sleep on the couch, and play outside as desired.
Once whelped, puppies are weighed once daily on a baby scale and weights are recorded to keep track of daily progress.
I offer around the clock care for the female while waiting for her due date, during labor, and until she is safely home to you with her puppies. The first few days are when puppies are most critical and it is crucial to insure each puppy is latching, staying warm, and gaining weight appropriately, as well as making sure mom is getting everything she needs nutritionally to have sufficient milk production and stay in healthy weight herself.
What to Bring:
Your dog's food
Favorite blanket/bedding so she has a piece of home
Any toys that she favors
Different colored puppy collars to identify and keep track of each puppy (either Velcro or the slip knot adjustable collars).
When does a veterinarian get involved?
Anyone who wants me to whelp out their bitch under my care will be expected to have an emergency veterinarian on call in case of any difficulty that might lead to an emergency caesarean. There will be a plan put into place with your veterinarian PRIOR to your female being dropped off with myself and you will be expected to have a credit card on file with your veterinarian and be responsible for any and all veterinary related expenses.
In case of an emergency, I will call your preferred number before taking her into your veterinarian. If you do not answer, I will proceed with taking her. I will not risk the female's health and will do everything I can to ensure a safe delivery.
After Puppies are Delivered
Litters born with Ide Performance go through conditioning programs to help increase neurological simulation and develop progressive reactions to environmental stimuli. Puppies go through the "Super Dog" program and are exposed to various feels, touches, are quickly conditioned to being picked up, handled, and manipulated. Various toys are placed in the whelping box that are bumpy, roll around, feel fuzzy, soft, etc. so that the litter has exposure to all kinds of different feels!
Super Dog Program:
1. Tactical Stimulation
Holding the puppy in one hand and stimulating the puppy between the toes using a Q-tip.
2. Head Held Erect
The puppy is held perpendicular to the ground (straight up), so that its head is directly above his or her tail.
3. Head Pointed Down
The puppy is held firmly and the head is reversed and pointed downward so that it is pointing towards the ground, tail over head.
4. Supine Position
The puppy is held so that its back is resting in the palm of both hands with its muzzle facing towards the ceiling.
5. Thermal Stimulation
A damp towel that has been refrigerated is placed on the ground and the puppy is placed on the towel, feet down. The puppy is allowed to move from the towel.
Each simulation process is timed between 3 and 5 seconds. Puppies are allowed to react naturally to each one. Overall, programs such as these help positively build tactile responses and help produce confident and curious puppies!
How long will I keep mom and puppies?
Normally, I will keep the expecting mother 7 days prior to her 63 day mark post breeding, and 7 days after parturition so the puppies are more stable before moving places. If you are wanting puppies to stay with me for an extended period of time it can be further discussed!
Pricing varies on a case by case basis. Minimum for board, supplies, whelping and around the clock care is $1,000 and pricing will change depending on the litter.
Depending on how long the bitch and puppies stay, the pricing will be adjusted accordingly.
The price does not change if the female has to have a caesarean.
A contract will be reviewed, discussed in detail, and signed prior to me accepting a pregnant bitch into my home. Owners will take care of any and all veterinary fees.
Feel free to reach out to me with any inquiries you might have or to book your female in advance to insure she has a spot.
I will not keep more than one outside female at a time to ensure safe delivery, one on one specialized care, and no competition between multiple dams.

I use the EZ Whelp 4'x4' Fab System steel box that provides high end solutions for serious breeders with more advanced requirements. It has a tough fabric liner wrap around the steel grid panels to ensure both high strength and cleanability, a railing system to help avoid mom laying on puppies, and a boarded separation underneath the box to keep puppies insulated and off of the wooden floor. A whelping pad and several clean towels are kept in the box at all times and are changed multiple times throughout the day. I keep a 175 watt heating lamp that is elevated above the whelping box (where puppies cannot reach). It helps keep an ideal temperature within a section of the whelping box that allows puppies to move underneath it when cold and away from it if they get too warm.
This is the EZ Whelp Fab System. I pulled this picture off of the company's website, but this is what I use!
