Canine Conditioning
Ide Performance offers canine conditioning services for pets that need to be exercised.
Whether it's a pet that needs to build muscle, to lose weight, or just because an owner has a super busy schedule (we get it, life happens!), we can help put your pet on an exercise program.
Exercise Regiments

Exercise regiments are case by case. Not every dog will need the same amount of exercise or amount of activity. If your pet has a special case and needs therapeutic exercise, get a detailed plan from your veterinarian and then we can discuss plans accordingly!
Reasons for Canine Conditioning

Overweight Pet
High Energy
Not enough time for a normal exercise regiment
Performance canine that needs to stay in shape
Bitch post-weaning from a litter that needs to regain muscle mass
Building muscle mass
Hunting canines off-season to stay in shape
Show dogs
Therapeutic exercise for recovering from an orthopedic surgery or past injury
Behavioral issues
Pets New to Exercise

If your dog has never been on a pacer before, that is not a problem! I can introduce them slowly to allow your dog to get comfortable with the pacer before starting to walk and run them.

Pets can either be dropped off during allotted drop off and pick up times at my residence, or we can make a plan for me to pick up and drop off from your residence for a travel fee.
Make a Goal, Make a Plan

In consideration of your pet's specific needs and goals, we can create a plan together to ensure the best results for your pet.
Consistency is key. A good diet plan will play a big role in your pet's ability to achieve the goal of maintaining a good body condition to encourage their overall health and wellness.
Pacing sessions are $30.00 per session.
Dog walking is $15.00 per walk.